Why do we have a
Constitutional Amendment protecting the freedom of speech and the freedom of the press? Because prior to these protections the government enjoyed censorship and revisionist media. They didn't like folks to speak ill of them or to inform the electorate of their activity. Those who did received retribution and laws were passed to prevent further negative reporting. And not just in our country but all over the world (at the time). And so we have protections and have enjoyed these freedoms for quite some time. Until fairly recently.
When George W. was disgracing the Oval Office he forbid the press from publishing certain things. Most notably images of dead soldiers returning home from Iraq. These images truly drove home to many the meaning of this war and how very unjust and evil it was. And when your are either wickedly religious or courting this base of voters you can't let them see how awful they really are. Truth to these people is like water to fire; dangerous and deadly.
This Mr. Bush also went to great lengths to "claim" executive
privilege so that those who sigh his paycheck could not know what he was up to. He's not alone in this, Mr. Obama is also
committing to a tenure of
protectionism and secrecy worthy of only those whose wicked deeds should remain hidden lest they be found out. Even here in Chicago our elected officials have worked to quash negative press by keeping secrets. Ask Mr. Daley the important questions and you will surely get no answers.
And so we have now resorted to anonymous blogging in order to get out the truth and get AT the truth to what is happening in our government.
What, you may be asking, brought about this particular column on this particular day? As you all should know by this time Sarah
Palin has resigned her post of governor of Alaska without fulfilling her very first commitment to the post. A blogger in Alaska has written about a rumor of
investigation against Ms.
Palin for corruption. A blogger, I'm sure, very few have ever heard of. Sarah's lawyers have already begun cleanup. They have,
emptively I might add, already threatened a lawsuit against CNN,
MSNBC, FOX, The New York Times, and The
Huffington Post should any of them decide to report on this rumored lawsuit. These lawyers are claiming this reporting is defamation and libel. So much for the First Amendment. So much for the
Constitution. We can only hope these large media outlets research and report, against the demands of politicians who wish to operate outside the watchful eyes of those who elect them. It would be a travesty if the rumor were true and we only found out after an important event because news outlets caved to government pressure and abandoned our
But they've already begun that process. And that is sad and shameful.