Religious Tolerance: Fact or Fiction
Yet, while these god-fearing folks preach their hatred around the globe and marginalize anyone who disagrees, they consistently cry "foul" whenever anyone has the audacity to call them to the carpet. Oh how we pick on those poor unfortunate "saved" souls. We are just abominable toward them. How can anyone dislike a religious person that does so much good in the world? They do all that they do out of love, they say.
Most ironic in all of their rhetoric is their claim of Patriotism and alleged love for out country, Constitution, and our beloved Bill of Rights. Especially the amendment about religious freedom. How dare anyone try to quiet them in this country, this christian country founded on strictly christian principles and established solely on the idea that they, and they only, have the right to worship without restraint. Apparently; "All others be damned" seems to be their cry.
Because no mosque will be built where they don't want one built. Those godless muslims will not have the right to worship freely in this here christian country, no sirree! It is the job of those who are "full of love for their fellow man" to pigeon-hole and oppress the filthy terrorist sympathisers and keep them in their place, which is not in lower Manhattan. These meanies don't have the same religious freedom the perfect christians have. No, we must do all that we can to eliminate them from the face of the earth. Well they may not be THAT extreme, but I'm sure muslim reservations wouldn't be out of the question; it would be easier to keep an eye on them if they were all in one place, I'm sure.
Religious folks are a funny bunch. They don't really believe in logical thought, reason, honesty, truth, love, or even their own bible. Have they read that book yet? Do they get it? Do they have the ability to get the big picture? I don't think so. "Ignorance is Bliss" they say and none are more so than the religious.
They were given plenty of rope in The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and we are slowly watching them hang themselves. Good riddance to bad trash.
Hey Chuck...just happened upon your blog perchance as I was trying to look up varying definitions of tolerance for something I was writing. I am definitely a Christian who believes in God and just wanted you to know that although you have just cause to base much of your opinion on, I did want you to know that there is a Christian out there whom does not believe they are above and beyond others. It is my belief that to be Christian is to try to Love ALL people (yep, the good, the bad, and the ugly, all of 'em). In the bible I note that Jesus spent most of His time hanging with the sinners, and not to tell them they were awful or bad, but to Love them and offer them another way. I promise you, although I believe in that, I fail constantly each day to be anything remotely close to what some Christian consider to be a "perfect Christian". I yell at my kids, and then feel guilty. I judge people (even though we aren't supposed to, that's a hard one), I wish I had a trailer like my neighbors, or more money like my closest friends, instead of simply being happy that I have good kids (not perfect ones), good health, and a husband who loves me and doesn't cheat. I try to be a good Christian. I don't steal, I don't cheat, and I truly do try to be kind and loving to every person I come into contact with each day (again not always easy in my job) and again I DO fail at that at times as well. I'm not certain why I felt compelled to reply to your blog, I guess I just wanted you to know that there are many Christians out there like me who think there are many radicals, zealouts, whatever you want to call them who call themselves to butcher God's love and the organized religion I choose to belief in. We don't all believe that burning the Quran is our right, or assusme that all Muslims, Jews, Mormons, atheist, agnostics, or whatever else are wrong and bad. If I chose to judge or decide that then it is my belief I would be going against exactly what I believe the God I love has called me to do. I expect like my parents, teachers, and other leaders in my life, He would ask that I lead by example, and so I try....and again often fail too. You gave a lot of food for thought. I hope you have a great day, and if nothing else maybe understand that not ALL Christians believe they are superior and/or above all others.
Wen, I agree that there are some who call themselves christian that really do try to be as christ-like as possible. It's not the failure to be that renders them dubious, it is their blindness to the fact that they aren't christians at all. In fact, they are so far from it and claim it so vehemently. They think that, simply because they believe in the god of the bible, they are perfect and worthy to judge the world. "Even the demons believe and shudder." They marvel that "David knew the heart of God (sic) and was credited as righteous" yet refuse to learn that heart themselves. They don't know what love means. They lack compassion, empathy, and humility. And unfortunately they bring discredit to their religion.
While you may feel unappreciated sometimes in your humble efforts to please your god, I'm sure YOU feel good about those efforts; and your faith is your own and that is what is important.
I'm glad you felt compelled to write and that this post gave you that food for thought. More should be open to hearing the message and not seeing the messanger, more should be open to learning.
Oh, and was it REALLY "perchance" you happened upon this blog???
Wow that was stгangе. I just wгote аn increԁіbly long comment but аfter I clickеd submit
mу comment didn't show up. Grrrr... well I'm nοt ωгitіng
all that оver again. Anywaуs, just ωаnted to ѕaу wonderful blog!
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We should all do our best to tolerate others from their tradtions relgions sexuality etc etc their does come a point were you have to draw a line some people just need to be told!
Yep All or most god botherers think they are higher than others make no mistake about it you are in a world of your own!Fuck you
fuck off!!!!!!!!!!!!
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