What is your god?
But suppose we chose one of these gods at random and demanded that all Americans worship that god as the highest of all deities. There would be all manner of revolt and outspoken opinions about our first amendment right to worship as we see fit. But judeo-christian leaders in our country look to do just that very thing. They pursue this kind of legislation in their efforts to ban abortion or gay marriage or prevent questionable religions from gathering in hotel conference rooms. When they demean others of different, or no, religious affiliations such as muslims or wiccans they are exerting a veiled attempt at religious censorship. When they cry about our country being founded upon christian principles they attempt to censor religious freedom.
The United States is a warm and wonderful melting pot. And in this diversity of culture we must learn to accept those who are different. We should embrace those differences because they prove the worth of all that we have worked to achieve in establishing a free nation with liberties and justice for all. It shows firsthand the importance of loving people.
Regardless of the god you choose as your own.
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