Independance Day Irony
How was your Fourth? The view of all the fireworks from our living room was spectacular. It was like watching bubbles in a pot of boiling water, they were everywhere all over the landscape. It was like a freedom war zone without the death. Explosions of color for miles upon miles. And I thought of the irony of that.
I wished several folks at work a happy holiday. They looked at me as though I were crazy. "It's just another day", they say. No different than any other. Really? Are we not, supposedly, fighting a war for democracy and freedom? Well, that is what the government tells us even if we all do know better. But you would think that, somewhere amidst all this fighting, we would really contemplate what got us to this point in our history; The Revolution and the Declaration of Independance and the Constitution of the United States. "All men are created equal" and all that jazz. Nope, just a look of insanity. It's no wonder we are so hell bent on controlling the immigrant population (every one who looked at me funny also came from a different country and had an accent of their homeland) these days. They look at our day of Democracy with apathy. Is that what we really want for our country; apathy? Don't we already have enough of that from folks that were born here?
I hope you had a great holiday.