Ironies from Illegals
Coming into a country illegally is breaking the law. Coming in legally and then staying illegally is breaking the law. To hold up a sign that says they are not criminal is wrong. They are criminals. If they are religious people who believe in the Bible, shouldn't they do what it says? I would think so. Well, it says to obey the laws of the land. They need to be held accountable.
Immigration is a good thing. Many of us come from families where, long ago, there was immigration. It was done the right way. If that right way was different at that time is irrelevent. We have a system of laws that must be adhered to. If this very important set of laws is deemed by our lawmakers to be not worthy of adherance, how can they expect ANY to be worthy? How can they expect respect for the law from citizens if they have none? I don't think they can.
I think this issue is that simple. Illegal immigration is illegal. Illegal immigrants are criminals. We have laws to deal with criminals. Let's get with it.