Organized Religion vs. God? Yes, VS!
The Bible teaches heaven and hell, god and satan, good and bad. It also teaches to beware of satan as he is a master of deception. So people create organized religion to band together against satan. And yet time and again it has ended up doing his bidding. How? Distraction. Jesus taught against the pharisees and being "clean" on the outside while remaining "unclean" on the inside, where it matters. We had the inquisition, which turned out to be a terrible blot on religion. The pope, it is STRONGLY speculated, supported Hitler. And most currently, we have a plethora of religious leaders steeped in scandal, whether it be Jim Baker, Pat Robertson, Jimmy Swaggart, and much of the Catholic church and it's fostering of pedophiles. And let's not forget our current president and his band of merry religious men. One of which is now under investigation for child sexual impropriety. Others are in trouble for ethical improprieties involving government monies and corruption. Think simply Tom DeLay, Bill Frist, Scooter Libby, and on and on and on.
All these people have "strong religious conviction" in common. Yep, organized religion. Could it be that organized religion is really the work of the very satan against whom they are working? Could he (?) be using their own tools against them? Sorta looks that way. And that's frightening. These organizations pervert the Bible, ethics, and even government, and the masses still consider them morally upstanding and follow them wholeheartedly. These organizations are not interested in actually BEING morally sound, just looking. They are too distracted with power, money, and prestige. No longer are they concerned with "Seeking and Saving the lost".
God, why have they forsaken you?
You mull it over. Let me know what you think.
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